Funding Projects.
Protecting Assets.

Welcome to Capital and Equities International, Corp.

Capital and Equities International, Corp. is a leading private equity financing and consulting firm in the world’s financial markets.  For over a quarter century we have delivered market-leading returns to our partners and clients.

“Our sky-is-the-limit attitude and unconventional entrepreneurial drive are the keys that keep us succeeding as investors, partners and consultants.”

Our Mission

Simply put, C+E Int’l, Corp’s sole purpose is to provide investors and clients with a high rate of return on investments.  We seek to create value in the communities in which we live and work, while also having a positive impact on the global economy, as well. 

We do this by working with an innovative team who is dedicated to excellence, growth and integrity.  Our performance is characterized by a record of superior risk-adjusted returns across a broad and expanding range of asset classes, and through all types of economic conditions.  We provide investment solutions for almost any need, while minimizing risk, and generating long-term value to our stakeholders.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Provide details about the scope of your project and learn about solutions that are right for you and your business goals.